
An early founder in this movement said, a Mentor is someone who knows the scripture, loves the Lord and is waiting to be called. The mentor encourages one or more Participants in steps that will transform their lives. The Mentor provides support, counsel and correction on a regular basis. The Mentor may also lead Small Group Discussion.

What is Mentoring?

  • Mentoring is the most difficult work of Work&Learn’s Change Your Life Ministry.
  • Mentoring is the most difficult work of the Church.
  • For example, we read in Exodus 3 that Moses was in awe of God.
  • As mentors, we sometimes say, “I can’t do that.”
  • God’s adequacy fills our inadequacy.
  • God is telling Moses that He is personally involved.
  • It helps to have a big view of God.
  • We should not be afraid to mentor if God is involved.
  • God is able to impact people all over the world.
  • Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” (Matthew 28:18)

Mentor Responsibilities in Small Group Discussion

1. Lead the group in a short prayer to bring hearts and minds together. You may want to ask God to empower each person with a sense of truthfulness.

2. Start with the questions for the Biblical Value that week and ask each Participant to answer it. Go to the second question and ask each Participant to answer it, etc. Try to have each Participant answer each question in the time allowed. 

3. Don’t be afraid of silence. The Participant may need time to think before answering.

4. Be a good listener. Don’t lecture to Participants during Small Group Discussion.

5. If one Participant who has the gift of gab is starting to dominate the discussion, bring the discussion back to the question being asked.

6. If one Participant has a burning personal issue, try to understand it if possible within the time available and have the group pray about it. If further discussion is required, suggest getting together to discuss it after class.

7. If a Participant has an issue that you may not be able to help him or her resolve, discuss it with the Class Leader, Spiritual Leader, or Pastor.

8. You may want to summarize the discussion, such as pointing out areas of agreement in Biblical principles in the comments made by Participants.

9. You may want to ask one of the Participants to report one of the highlights of the discussion to the entire class when you reassemble.

10. Close the Small Group Discussion in prayer.

It starts with God, not with us.

A Mentor, from 1st Corinthians 13

  • is patient
  • is kind
  • does not envy or boast
  • not proud
  • is not rude
  • not self-seeking
  • not easily angered
  • keeps no record of wrongs
  • does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth
  • protects
  • trusts
  • hopes
  • perseveres.
  • “and now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

The Ultimate Mentor is The LORD    (John 14:16-17)

View the complementary role of the Career Coach.